* Example MPLUS code that generates parameter
* estimates rounded to 2 decimal places and outputs
* to a table using Latex.
* The model is a piecewise growth model in a multilevel
* framework (source: ALG's MADRCVisitGrowth031511.do).
foreach y in bds {
runmplus unit_num `y' vtimea vtimeb nonhosdel , ///
variable(GROUPING = nonhosdel(0=nah 1=ndl 2=del); ///
within=vtimea vtimeb; cluster=unit_num; ) ///
analysis(estimator = MLR; iterations=1000; ///
type=twolevel random; processors = 2 ; ) ///
model( ///
%within% ///
s1 | `y' ON vtimea ; ///
s2 | `y' ON vtimeb; ///
%between% ///
[`y']; [s1]; [s2]; s1 s2 WITH `y' ; ///
%within% ///
%between% ///
[`y'] (i0); [s1] (s10); [s2] (s20); s1 s2 WITH `y' ; ///
%within% ///
%between% ///
[`y'] (i1); [s1] (s11); [s2] (s21); s1 s2 WITH `y' ; ///
%within% ///
%between% ///
[`y'] (i2); [s1] (s12); [s2] (s22); s1 s2 WITH `y' ; ///
MODEL CONSTRAINT: new(ni10 ni20 ni21 n1s10 n1s20 n1s21 n2s10 n2s20 n2s21); ///
ni10 = i1-i0; n1s10 = s11-s10; n2s10 = s21-s20; ///
ni20 = i2-i0; n1s20 = s12-s10; n2s20 = s22-s20; ///
ni21 = i2-i1; n1s21 = s12-s11; n2s21 = s22-s21; ///
) output( tech4; !stdyx; !CINTERVAL;)
} // ends foreach y
* Pull estimates. The local `plist' refers to the list of parameter names
* that appear in MPLUS output.
mat est = r(estimate)
mat se = r(se)
mat list est
local plist: rowfullnames est
display "`plist'"
foreach x in `plist' {
mat `x' = est["`x'",1]
local `x': display %6.2f `x'[1,1]
mat `x'se = se["`x'",1]
local `x'se: display %6.2f `x'se[1,1]
local lb`x': display %6.2f ``x''-1.96*``x'se'
local ub`x': display %6.2f ``x''+1.96*``x'se'
} // ends foreach x
* Make a table.
capture erase table3.tex
texdoc init table3.tex
tex Table 3. Results of a multiple group latent growth model of BDS score since first MADRC visit using all follow-up (n=827) \\
tex \\
tex \\
tex \begin{tabular}{llccc} \hline
tex Group & Parameter & Estimate & SE & 95\%\ CI \\
tex \hline
tex (A) Not hospitalized \\
tex & Intercept & `means_bds_nah' & `means_bds_nahse' & (`lbmeans_bds_nah', `ubmeans_bds_nah') \\
tex & Slope before `b' yrs & `means_s1_nah' &`means_s1_nahse' & (`lbmeans_s1_nah', `ubmeans_s1_nah') \\
tex & Slope after `b' yrs & `means_s2_nah' & `means_s2_nahse' & (`lbmeans_s2_nah', `ubmeans_s2_nah') \\
tex (B) Hospitalized, no delirium \\
tex & Intercept & `means_bds_ndl' & `means_bds_ndlse' & (`lbmeans_bds_ndl', `ubmeans_bds_ndl') \\
tex & Slope before `b' yrs & `means_s1_ndl' & `means_s1_ndlse' & (`lbmeans_s1_ndl', `ubmeans_s1_ndl') \\
tex & Slope after `b' yrs & `means_s2_ndl' & `means_s2_ndlse' & (`lbmeans_s2_ndl', `ubmeans_s2_ndl') \\
tex (C) Hospitalized, delirium \\
tex & Intercept & `means_bds_del' & `means_bds_delse' & (`lbmeans_bds_del', `ubmeans_bds_del') \\
tex & Slope before `b' yrs & `means_s1_del' & `means_s1_delse' & (`lbmeans_s1_del', `ubmeans_s1_del') \\
tex & Slope after `b' yrs & `means_s2_del' & `means_s2_delse' & (`lbmeans_s2_del', `ubmeans_s2_del') \\
tex Group differences \\
tex & Intercept \\
tex & B - A & `new_ni10_del' & `new_ni10_delse' & (`lbnew_ni10_del', `ubnew_ni10_del') \\
tex & C - A & `new_ni20_del' & `new_ni20_delse' & (`lbnew_ni20_del', `ubnew_ni20_del') \\
tex & C - B & `new_ni21_del' & `new_ni21_delse' & (`lbnew_ni21_del', `ubnew_ni21_del') \\
tex & Slope before `b' yrs \\
tex & B - A & `new_n1s10_del' & `new_n1s10_delse' & (`lbnew_n1s10_del', `ubnew_n1s10_del') \\
tex & C - A & `new_n1s20_del' & `new_n1s20_delse' & (`lbnew_n1s20_del', `ubnew_n1s20_del') \\
tex & C - B & `new_n1s21_del' & `new_n1s21_delse' & (`lbnew_n1s21_del', `ubnew_n1s21_del') \\
tex & Slope after `b' yrs \\
tex & B - A & `new_n2s10_del' & `new_n2s10_delse' & (`lbnew_n2s10_del', `ubnew_n2s10_del') \\
tex & C - A & `new_n2s20_del' & `new_n2s20_delse' & (`lbnew_n2s20_del', `ubnew_n2s20_del') \\
tex & C - B & `new_n2s21_del' & `new_n2s21_delse' & (`lbnew_n2s21_del', `ubnew_n2s21_del') \\
tex \hline
tex \end{tabular}
* get texify2.ado from rnjones@brown.edu
texify2 table3, inashell