Other Stata Stuff (including Mplus)
mplusmimic (automatic DIFTESTING and model building for WLSMV and MLR MIMIC Models). To install type from your Stata command window and follow on-screen instructions:
. net from http://s3.amazonaws.com/mplusmimicbucket
mplusscreeplot (extracts eigenvalues for a covariance matrix estimated with Mplus and gets a permutation confidence interval for eigenvalues based on random data)
. net from https://s3.amazonaws.com/mplusscreeplot
And yes, there is other stuff! Send me an email if you'd like any of these goodies.
blom (transform a variable using the Blom transformation)
center (center a variable, continuous or categorical)
contents (an alternative to summarize, includes label information)
mpex (will automatically convert to runmplus command and load data an example from the Mplus users guide. Requires inp2rmp.)
itemsummary (handy to look at response counts or frequencies)
inp2dta (with an INP and DAT file, generate a Stata DTA file)
inp2rmp (converts an INP to a runmplus command)
installrscript (installs rscript.bat essential for linking Stata and R)
rdoc (a hack of Ben Jann's texdoc [just switching r for tex] create r command files on the fly)
rify (for making some changes to r code created within Stata)
rscript (for sending r command files to r)
scoreit (never code additive sums of indicators again)
simirt (generate some binary responses and see IRT parameters)
standardize (create all kinds of standardized variables)
starttex (super handy after running Ben Jann's texdoc for generating LaTex documents on the fly)
texdocpreserve (and...)
texdocrestore (are handy for use with Ben Jann's texdoc to temporarily suspend and then restart writing to a TeX document. Like if you wanted to start and finish a second and then continue with a main one)
texify2 (just like Roy Wada's texify but adds an ", inashell" option. in a shell means that the target TeX file is nested within a standard preamble, \begin{document} and \end{document}.
today (get the date returned in a variety of formats)
varlablist (see a list of variables and their labels)