Measurement Models


Updated after the workshop

Slide sets, handouts, and examples

Day 1 Slides: Introduction to SEM and Mplus (Slides PDF)

Day 2 Slides: IRT models in Mplus (Slides PDF)

 Day 3  Slides: Non-uniform differential item functioning  (Slides PDF)

Day 4 Slides: Special modeling features , responsibility, resources (Slides PDF)

Examples in R/lavaan

Examples: R/Lavaan 

Workshop R LAVAAN [SLIDES] (pdf) 


Kahn Academy video on point-slope and intercept-slope forms of a linear function (

Some resources on test and item development

Data in other formats:

MSQ data from EPESE (SAV, SAS7BDAT, DTA) could contain such variables as msq3-msq9 site id male age white educ

CESD data from EPESE (SAV, SAS7BDAT, sd2DTA, [could contain such variable as sad blues depress happy enjoy hopeful age male educ site id black white])

Visit this page to see downloads from previous workshops

 Click here to ask a question online (monitored during workshop)